Sunday, July 3, 2011

Strawberry Cream Cake

Xuan came over on a friday evening to bake a rustic homemade birthday cake inspired by Diamonds for Dessert's strawberry cream cake! :D

the finished product.

 You'll probably notice its just Xuan in the pictures and me being no where in them, cos all I did was nosey around and snap pictures, while my mum did the teaching and Xuan did the baking.

Xuan at work 
the baked sponge cake!

Cookie being shy to strangers as usual.

the strawberries!
the baked cakes before applying strawberry jelly 

slicing the strawberries

making  a little border around the cake

piling on strawberry mousse in the middle

placing the sliced strawberries in the middle before
stacking up the top layer of cake

creamed up and decorated!

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