Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Filing Cabinet Makeover


I thought it'd never end!

What I had lurking in the corner of my home was this really ugly thing. A metal filing cabinet. In the most depressing and dullest of colours - And I felt bad for it. It certainly didnt choose to be made or look that way. So having been inspired by the amazing makeovers at Design Sponge, I had to give this furniture some better days! Read about my little progress here!

I embarked on this project two months ago, thinking I'd be done in a week or so. Its my first time on a big piece like this, and I thought two cans of spray would suffice.

I always start with a sketch

How... I... underestimated... this... job...

Anyways, I took apart the whole cabinet,  wiped and scrubbed it clean, sprayed it with a coat or two thinking it would be shiny and glorious by the end of the day. Ha ha.

Labels cut out from a sheet of cork I bought from Daiso.

Only 8 cans of white spray paint and 2 weeks later (due to work and stuffs), could I move on to the blues. And oh how tedious masking is! It took me 3 tapes of cellophane and masking tape, some newspapers and probably a week on and off.

I certainly wish there was an easier way to masking. But the hard work paid off when I tore away the masking to reveal the gorgeous design. Though I thought I securely taped off the edges, paint still seeped through the tape and I had to manually touch up the leaked parts. I'll have to try out other tapes to see which works best.

Cookie my beagle blocking the word 'cookie' on the lowest drawer.

Mission makeover-ugly-filing-cabinet ACCOMPLISHED!

I certainly don't expect to end here, my first job was a success and I have actually identified future victims candidates for my makeover endeavors! One, infact is in the picture above, that grey mass of abomination.

So tune in next time for more makeovers by yours truly 8D


  1. omg I love this so much! the details are amazing (cutting cork?!)
    great job emma!

  2. How nice! It even has a new dog to boot, ha ha. But seriously, it's a nice re-design of a plain filing cabinet. It gives a breath of fresh air and design to the room.
