Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Photoframe Makeover!

Hanging on my wall are the 3 patterned cloths I bought from the Supplies Surprise Bazaar but I just can't bring myself to cut them up for a sewing project just yet! So into these photo frames they go, up on display for me to admire till I should decide on a project worthy of their use.

Before that though, Ikea's Nyttja Photoframes needed a little decorating. I felt they were a little too bare and blockish, so I gave them a wooden border on the outside to make a softer appearance with some pearly/gold beaded strings dashed in to suit my fancy.

Ikea's Nyttja Photo frames.

 I lost pictures of the photo frames before I messed with them so here's a picture from the internet that could help you imagine how they originally looked like. Except they're white. I got a pack of 3 photo frames for about RM10ish? I think? It was quite a while ago :/

The work desk

I cut balsa wood into strips and stuck them on the sides making a border around the white frame. I love how soft and manageable balsa wood is and for this very reason I wouldn't recommend it for photo frames. I'm using it here because had a bunch of leftover balsa wood from college so I felt the need to use them up. And it'll be okay. So long as you don't drop it. Which I did. And now one of them has a visible dent. So if you have a choice, definitely get regular proper wood materials from the DIY shop.

A nice job of the two sides neatly meeting each other.

To adhere all the parts together I used one glue : PVA. And it seems to work for everything, the balsa wood and the beaded string. Although the drying time takes a while. I allowed the glue between the balsa wood and photo frame to dry for about a day before putting on the beaded strings.

And then all thats left is Acrylic Clear Spray.

a little close up on the detail.

Here's one I decided to spray paint in what is called (according to the can) Petronas Green. Hmmm.
I wanted it specially for this awesome quote I saw on i am blessed - Just for a little self esteem boost when I spend time in the bathroom : >

Placed on my w/c for photography sake :) After taking this picture I hung it right next to the mirror for full effect.

Another beauty shot.
So here's my take on making cheap photo frames look a little more pricey. Hope you enjoyed this post!

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