Here's how the Ikea 3 drawer Aneboda looks like:

Here's what I made it into :
Continue to see how I did it:
Ah masking, my arch enemy. With a combination of masking tape and cellotape because I ran out of masking tape halfway. It was really tiring, but I defeated the goliath task!
Finally painted. I discovered that spray paint doesn't actually adhere very well to melamine foil. They separated and clumped up together like groupies in high school. Solution? I sandpapered the surface. This should work on any surface that's too smooth for paint to hold on to. Something new I learnt.
Then I assembled it. Chevron is the new black.
Then I painted the opaque windows with chalkboard paint. I wanted it black, but they only had green. After applying the paint did I realize I got duped by a marketing gimmick. It felt just like regular acrylic paint. Any type of paint in black or dark green could have rendered the same effect.
Brought out my pastels and sat there chalking up a storm.
Finish. With the top smudged because my family keeps leaning over it to grab things. I suppose I could use a fixative to keep the chalk in place, but I don't really want it permanent. I'm waiting for an excuse to draw something new with my pastels.
While it looks quite alright, I'm not completely happy :( I guess thats what happens when you don't plan and execute the said plan properly. Lesson learnt.
Did you put anything over the plastic window area before you put the chalk paint on it? It’s rubbled and wasn’t sure something needed to be done about that first?